Together for a better world
Contribution to the sustainable development goals
Wild Spirit Fund directly contribute to 16 of the 17 sustainable development goals through direct actions working in the ground.
Wild Spirit Fund Contribution
Changing the anthropogenic impact into a positive footprint
By partnering with us, you are contributing to 16 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly marked the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. This is how Wild Spirit Fund is reaching its target.
Zero Hunger
• Wild Spirit Fund monthly provides drinking water and food to more than 60 children in Tanzania.
• Our programs include improvements for livestock and agriculture production.
Good health and well-being
• We work with a One Health approach to prevent the spread of pathogens from wildlife to humans and viceversa.
• We work on preventing infectious diseases fromlivestock to human in disadvantaged areas and areas of human-fauna conflict
Quality education
• Our elementary school creates the foundation for education, stopping the historic academic failure that used to occur at a later stage in these communities.
• Our sponsorship program is already offering secondary and professional education to youngs of both genders.
Gender equality
• Gender equality is not just a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
• Our support and resolution of problems for the empowerment of women are achieved at all levels in our institution, in the projects and at the governmental level of our foundation: Elementary School, Professional Training, Family & Business Leadership by Women.
Clean water and sanitation
• Clean and accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in.
• Our community-based project includes water sanitation and waterhole.
In 2022 we did the first water survey and drilled the waterhole at our school in Tanzania. In droughts, we provide drinking water for the community.
Affordable and clean energy
• Energy is critical to almost every major challenge and opportunity.
• Our research station in Gabon runs on a diesel generator. The goal for 2024 is to install a solar system that will benefit the station and the community.
• In the community in Tanzania, electricity is non-existent. We will install solar lights to scare off livestock predators in the school and clinic.
Decent work and economic growth
• Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.
• The success of our projects will mean the sustainable development of a national park and self-sufficient communities. Our current job creation includes: Teacher and Cook, Gorilla Trackers, Scientists and Veterinarians, and Profesioanl Training.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
• Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development. WSF is currently equipping a school in Tanzania and a research station in Gabon.
• Our near-future plans include the construction of the first One Health National Laboratory in Tanzania.
Reduced inequality
• To reduce inequalities, policies must be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.
• Our projects are developed in some of the poorest and most remote areas of Africa. We are reducing inequalities and creating sustainable development based on coexistence with Nature.
Sustainable cities and communities
• There must be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to essential services, energy, housing, transportation, and more.
• Our projects provide essential services in areas of conflict between wildlife and humans where there is currently no infrastructure.
Responsible consumption and production
• Our projects are based on the responsible use of natural resources and minimal consumption.
• We have awareness programs in secondary schools in Spain.
Climate action
• Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere. It is urgent to take measures to combat climate change and its effects.
• We are protecting 450,000 hectares of primary forest in Gabon. And this is just the beginning of our actions.
Life below water
• Our projects for 2023 include a specialized veterinary and conservation program for endangered sea turtles in Mexico and Gabon.
Life on land
• Our primary goal is conserving wildlife and halting biodiversity loss, which we do at many levels. Visit our projects for extended details.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
• Poaching and wildlife trafficking are liked to mafias, armed conflicts and social instability. By fighting for wildlife conservation, we are creating a more peaceful world and a way for humans to live in harmony with each other and with nature.
Partnership for the goals
• Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
• Wild Spirit Fund collaborates with government institutions in developing countries.