

We share with you current information, curiosities, research and beauties of the conservation of wildlife and its environment.

Join us in the fight to protect our precious wildlife! As a non-profit organization, we are dedicated to preserving natural habitats and promoting the conservation of endangered species. From lowland gorillas to rhinos, the diversity of life on our planet is under threat. But together, we can make a difference.​Show your support by sharing this post and visiting our website to learn more about how you can get involved. ​ ​​​#wildlifeconservation #endangeredspecies #protectourplanet
Take a look at the powerful work being done to save the rhino! This video captures the incredible efforts of our conservation team as they work tirelessly to protect and preserve these majestic creatures. From anti-poaching patrols to breeding programs, we are dedicated to ensuring the survival of the rhino population for generations to come. Watch now and be inspired to join us in the fight to save one of the world's most iconic animals.​Special thanks to the Embassy of Spain in South Africa and the sponsors.​For more info & support, visit our website at or contact us via email at​#rhinoconservation #endangeredspecies #wildspirit #wildlifeconservation
This project aims to protect great apes in Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, which is home to the highest density of gorillas and chimpanzees in the world.Thank soo very much to the @socialseed_agency for this wonderful video. Thank you for putting images to our work and words. 💚#BeAPartOfTheChange #gabonexpedition #wildlifemedicine #donate #nonprofit #wildlifeconservation #wildlifeveterinary
Nuestra CEO @fabiola_wildspirit en @rtve !! 💪👏👏Gracias @raicex_es por colaborar con nosotros. -No os perdáis su entrevista. Os dejamos el enlace 👇-👉Viajamos hasta el continente africano, en concreto hasta Sudáfrica. Allí hablamos con Fabiola Quesada, una veterinaria jiennense, emprendedora y luchadora por la conservación de la fauna salvaje y su medio. La frustración al no existir formación en medicina de fauna salvaje, le llevó a crear una empresa dedicada a la formación profesional de veterinarios internacionales, en medicina de la conservación. Ella en su blog nos lanza un mensaje: Protejamos nuestro planeta juntos.🌍❤️🙌-#podcastrtve #fabiolaquesada #wildspiritfund #rtve #rtvenoticias #conservacionanimal #faunasalvaje #faunasilvestre #conservacionfaunasalvaje #protejamoselplaneta #planetatierra #mujeresluchadoras #mujeresemprendedoras #wildlifeconservation #wildlifelovers #podcastanimales #podcastconservacion #puntoenlace
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Water for All: Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflict in Orkisima

In many rural communities in Tanzania, water is a scarce and essential resource. Both people and wildlife depend on it, often leading to conflicts over access. At Wild Spirit Fund, we work to find solutions that promote coexistence, and thanks to the support of our donors…

SunTech Vet 30 para vida silvestre

SunTech Vet 30 para vida silvestre por la Dra. Fabiola Quesada, Veterinaria, cofundadora y directora ejecutiva de Wild Spirit Fund y CEO de Wild Spirit. Queremos compartir nuestra más sincera gratitud a SunTech Medical USA por su generosidad al donar un nuevo SunTech Vet 30 a...

Guepardos: ¿Una especie genéticamente resistente?

Estado de conservación. El guepardo (Acinonyx jubatus), la única especie representativa de su género, actualmente está listado como 'Vulnerable' por la Lista Roja de la UICN. Diferentes procesos estocásticos así como causas antropológicas como...

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