Project Objective

Wildlife veterinarians work daily on medical cases, managing endangered species, ensuring wild animal populations' health, and preventing diseases from spillover to humans. However, this is a challenging job. At the Wild Spirit Fund, we aim to increase the African continent's wildlife vet capacity, to be where endangered species need us and to prevent future pandemics.
Current Wildlife Vet Gaps
In the past 50 years, Emerging Infectious diseases (EIDs) affecting wildlife and humans have quadrupled. 70% of EIDs are zoonoses (animal diseases); however, in most cases triggered by anthropogenic (human origin) actions. Simultaneously, 60% of the wildlife population has declined due to human activities.
Despite the great need for wildlife veterinarians, there is a notorious Gap in wildlife medicine and surveillance studies at the frontline of the ecosystem’s health.
Lack of Capacity
There is a significant need for well-trained wildlife veterinarians able to save the remaining endangered species when it is time.
Lack of One Health projects
There is a significant need for meaningful health surveillance research and project wildlife in the wild.
Lack of Equipment
It is an essential well-equipped laboratory at the wildlife-human interface.
We need Veterinary clinical equipment at wildlife rescue centres and for clinical emergencies at the field.
Here is a challenging reality and the need to fill the current gap to conserve species and prevent future pandemics.
Our Actions in the field
Wildlife Veterinary Medicine Training
Surveillance studies on wildlife populations.
Surveillance studies on antibiotic resistance in the wild population
Laboratory and Clinical equipment
Fundraising and global awareness
Daily veterinary work with diverse wild species.

Wildlife Medicine & Surgery
Hundreds of wild species, including endangered animals treated across Africa.

Widlife Conservation
Working in collaborating with antipoaching units and managers implementing tools to protect wildlife.

Sustainable economy & Ecosystem Health
We are guaranteed a sustainable economy and human health by ensuring wildlife populations and ecosystem health.

Capacity building
Training of local wildlife veterinarians and researchers. Contribution to long-term wildlife health, public health and job creation.
Join Wildlife Vets saving endangered species
Meet the team

Dr Quesada, Fabiola
DVM, MsD PhD st, MRCVS. Veterinarian. Founder Wild Spirit Fun

Dr Tindall, Brendan
BVsC, SAVA. Veterinarian. Rhino Medicine specialist

Dr Caldwell, Peter
BVsC, SAVA, MRCVS. Veterinarian. Big Cats Medicine specialist